Monday, July 13, 2009


Do not ask me why, but for some reason the Toyota Supra is my all time favorite import car. I know, I know... There are numerous cars out there that can top the Supra's speed and handling... so what? You can pick your Lambo, M3, Viper, Aston Martin and i'll gladly keep the Supra... because at the end of the day, I save more gas, have less maintenance fee, and have enough money on the side from not spending half a mil for a 7mpg-in-the-city Lambo.
There's just something about a Supra that would make me triple take and drool. It doesn't matter if it's auto or standard, stock or fixed, non turbo or twin. It appears to me, that the Supra is THE sexiest car. If you care for my opinion, I would say the Supra is equivalent to a very sophisticated Hispanic woman... exotic, sexy, very curvaceous, and has ba-DONK of a rear! hehe

I'm lucky enough to have driven one...
... on Need for Speed =/

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