Monday, July 13, 2009

today's menu

is a custom one of a kind Tofu and Veggie meal made by yours truly! I went to Shoprite for grocery shopping and ended up scratching my head to a shelf filled with tofu. I glared at the boxes for a moment contemplating if I should just do it or get a real meal. Being that I have been watching what I eat, running a mile every other day, playing basketball every Tuesday morning, playing hockey and lifting light weights, I told myself... "Self, let's stay healthy" That wasn't verbatim but you catch my drift.
So I bought all the necessary house goods we needed plus the tofu, package of veggie, instant stir-fry mix, and sesame seeds. I told my mom to let me handle the kitchen for a while to prepare this meal for the family. I was feeling so good about myself I thought I'd share the aura with everyone in the house.

here we go:
killer tofu!
start the fire!
crispy, the way I like it!
veggies added
mixing it up!
the yummy result!
ok, so I didn't follow the exact procedures written on the back of the stir-fry mix... which made it all the better. I pretty much went with the flow and just improvised. I swear it tastes better than it looks and SHOOT it looks grrrreat! I was going for more towards a Veggie Heaven-esque sort of deal... but this did it too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lemme find out!! bhae cooks? who wudda known lol