Saturday, January 9, 2010

Grand ol' time

Ok so I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was having nightmares and kept waking up every effing 5 minutes waiting for this damn 24-70L lens (Click HERE for the old post about it). I keep thinking UPS will leave me a "You-didn't-open-your-door-so-pick-it-up-tomorrow note" or that my package would just not come today. BUT it did arrive and I couldn't have been any more jolly than a little kid getting all the toys he had on his wish list from Santa. Basically, it felt like I got an A on a quiz, my birthday and christmas all together.
What's even more exciting is (if you're into photography, earmuff yourself... or should I say don't read the next few lines because you might get jealous) that I bought 2, you read that correctly... 2!! Pocketwizard FlexTT5's, a 7ft. Manfrotto stand, a 32in CL Reflective umbrella, and a 580EXII all this week... hence the title for this post minus the "ol' time."
OH man has it been a crazy week for my pockets... I don't even think that there's lint stuck inside anymore. I'm all out ;)

ANYWHO... here's some shots taken with my new 24-70L lens.

very 1st photo taken


my new big boy toys

Rusty and Sputnik

having a little fun in my new noob studio.

want to have a photoshoot?

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