Wednesday, March 24, 2010


 Well first off, I intended to have a photo project for this summer. This would include actually riding BMX again... back to my very first hobby! Memories def came back to me about my old yellow Dyno BMX bike. HA oh man. Surprisingly, it's still alive for all those years I kept it in the garge - garage meaning outside in the rain, hail, sleet, snow or whatever inclement weather you want to throw me. Though it's still alive... it's really not in it's best quality to shred... AT ALL. So I'm building up a new bike!
 For this summer project, I want to take some action shots of all my boys who skate or bike. Gathering them  should be a cinch... the only thing complicated about it is taking the photo itself. I am planning on sticking with action photography and also portrait. I have been saving a few bucks to get a new body soon... I'm coming for you 7D! 
 Anywho... I headed up to Animal Headquarters this afternoon with my good boy Brian. It was a first for me to be there and I was souped that I had the chance to actually see what the big deal is... and it def is a BIG DEAL when it comes down to ANIMAL. I bought a few parts and 2 of their latest shirt designs.

Shout out to the entire Animal Crew!
Whenever I go big I'll def gve you guys a holla!

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