Monday, June 23, 2008

where my troopers at?

Ok, bad for not being up to date with this useless blog that hit an all time low of readers. let's catch up a bit. it's sad to say that it's been a week since i wrote here but last week, me and some of the boys went to the city. there was supposed to be a ginormous sale in the 555oul shop. there were a few shirts i would have stole but it's nowhere near my style anymore. we hit up Uniqlo, skipped Supreme, visited Recon, which by the way, had the best and most interactive employees. one of them looked like Kanye....word. went to YRB, David Z., and some other stores. anywho....

CLASSICK on 555oul wall
look at this asian.
Big Wang...not as funy as Mei Dick the Barbershop.
Nick having an oral orgasm at the worst chinese restaurant.
the dudes.
yee-haw bad boy ;)

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