Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So Jake has a female friend who happens to adore Twilight like every other girl in the world. He thought of making this huge surprise for her in a crazy (by crazy i mean gay) way. So we thought, "HEY! since jewelry is expensive, and flowers are boring, why not make a TWILIGHT-FLAVORED cake!" (funny right?) we did.

Being that i used to work at a bakery, i thought it would be easier to actually make it. i thought wrong. Thanks to Gencarelli's, the whole thing didn't come out half as bad. i knew working at a bakery would pay off somehow one day.

baking process
Twilight Saga...
...wrapped in foil
cutting the cake ever so gently in half
top and 1 wall... 3 more sides to go!
with the icing!!
(of course Jake ruins it with Boring-Brown colored sprinkles)
the finished product!
after 3 hours of this grueling project (or however long 40Year Old Virgin + Anchorman is) the end result looks astonishing...and TASTY if I do say so myself. We hope she enjoys the cake, err i mean surprise, as much as we enjoyed baking it.


Michael said...

you live a boring life there bernardvark.

Anonymous said...

you guys are soo creative! ahaha, but i couldn't read what was on the cake -_-

& my cake did taste goooood! well, next time im going to use cake flour thou.